” This is my second class with OTG and my third with Bill Toy. I have trained under several other instructors, but Bill brings the full package when he teaches.”
“…drills were effective and realistic, reinforced fundamentals, and pushed performance.”]
“I learned more in 5 days at this course than in 13 years of in-service training!
“This was not a normal class where you showed up and signed in. I had to push my abilities outside of my comfort level and enjoyed every minute of it!”
“I haven’t had as much fun or worked as hard in a class as this one. Other Instructors teach to exceed your standards but Bill & Lane preach it and then actually push the students to achieve it!”
“One of the best classes I have been to”
“I cannot say enough good things about the vehicles and range targets used in this class.”
“Without a doubt, the best law enforcement training I have attended.”
“If you get an opportunity to take the five day rifle instructor course put on by OTG, do it! Bill Toy and Troy Hooker are very competent instructors. Both instructors have an extensive background in the military and law enforcement. I had never met Bill until this class and by the end of the first day it was like we had known each other for years. He is that laid back and not over bearing. The best take away I have to pass on to you is that you will feel like an equal during the week. Neither instructor will belittle you in anyway as they both remain at a respectful level. I knew I needed to work on my rifle instruction skills before taking the class. What I didn’t know was how much. This course WILL test your mental and physical being, so be in good shape and hang on because you will not regret it. Great job Bill and Troy” – Sergeant Keith Sanders/Murfreesboro Police Firearms Instructor
“This course was excellent in all aspects. I dusted off some techniques I had not used in several years. I also learned a lot of new techniques. The techniques were practiced in force-on-force. The instructors were professional and their knowledge was exemplary.”
“Excellent course! Everything taught was relative to what I do on the road. This training will go a long way to help me in my job. Even getting shot up in the ambush (force-on-force) was a learning lesson.”
“With only four years in Law Enforcement my previous courses were generic in scope. A specific course such as Law Enforcement Vehicle Tactics is a much needed training addition to all Law Enforcement agencies.”
“Both instructors taught with a sense of purpose for the students because it came across that they teach this to help save officers lives.”