Law Enforcement Instructor Course

LE Night Fighter Instructor

The LE Night Fighter Instructor is a 30 Hour, 3 Night TN POST Low Light Instructor course.   Students will learn Low Light science, as well as comprehensive skills, techniques, and advanced applications of weapons and light manipulations, movement and target discrimination. Students will operate in a spectrum of full light to extreme low light conditions in both live fire and simunition based learning environments. Safety measures, course design, and Force on Force planning will be covered in depth providing graduates the skills and knowledge necessary to safely instruct their officers in low light tactics.


This class will encompass both live fire and force on force training. FoF equipment will be provided by OTG and consist of UTM weapons, safety gear and ammunition. OTG’s Side arms are G17 platform weapons.

If your department uses another platform, you are welcome to bring your agency’s simunitions or UTM pistols and ammunition for use in the class. ONLY UTM OR SIMUNITIONS BRAND FOF EQUIPMENT MAY BE USED IN THIS CLASS.


Class will typically run from 1800-0200 Daylight saving time, 1600-2400 Standard time.


Key topics include:

  • Science of low light & vision
  • Tactical light selection
  • Proper rifle/pistol weapon mounted light set up
  • Key principles of low light tactics
  • Proper light applications and principles
  • Search, illumination, and identification techniques
  • Positional shooting for adverse environments
  • Two man team work using weapon lights
  • Force on force low light shoot house



Students must be sworn Law Enforcement Officers (Local, State, or Federal agencies)


Student Packing List

  • Duty pistol
  • Duty type belt with holster, magazine pouches for pistol and rifle, minimum one each
  • Minimum of 3 pistol magazines
  • AR type patrol rifle with sling (2 point slings are highly recommended) – loaner guns will be available upon prior request
  • Minimum of 3 rifle magazines
  • Weapon mounted and handheld lights
  • Spare batteries for all lights/electronics
  • Ballistic vest (plate carrier optional)
  • Ballistic eye protection
  • Hearing protection
  • Knee pads and gloves (optional)
  • 300 rounds of rifle ammunition
  • 300 rounds of pistol ammunition
  • Athletic cup
  • Fresh notebook
  • Pen, pencils



$550 per officer



Students or Departments may request an invoice and W-9 to pay by check by Emailing Bi*****@OT**********.com