Law Enforcement Instructor Course

LE Firearms Instructor

This is a 40 hour Tennessee POST Firearms Instructor Course providing graduates the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their Departments firearms training program. Students will learn the firearms training specific requirements mandated by Tennessee POST as well as comprehensive skills, techniques and training methodologies.




At the end of the course, students will be able to identify and transfer pertinent learning objectives, develop reality based curriculums, diagnose problem shooters, and articulate the role of LE use of deadly force within constitutional and statutory constraints.


Class will typically run from 0800-1700 with one day adjusted for low light.


Key topics include:

  • Skills update
  • Principles of small group instruction (firearm specific)
  • Curriculum development
  • Human factors
  • UoF law
  • Wound ballistics
  • LE carbine lab
  • LE shotgun lab



Students must be sworn Law Enforcement Officers

Students must successfully fire a 80% or above on the OTG Skills Verification the first morning of class. 1 reshoot is permitted. Students failing to fire a minimum of 80% will be dismissed from class (Qualification course will be provided 2 weeks prior to the class).


Equipment List:

  • Duty pistol
  • Patrol type duty belt with all issued/authorized equipment
  • Minimum of 3 pistol magazines (6 is better)
  • AR type patrol rifle with sling (2 point slings are highly recommended)  (loaner guns will be available upon prior request)
  • Minimum of 3 rifle magazines
  • 12ga duty appropriate shotgun with sling
  • Ballistic vest
  • Ballistic eye protection
  • Hearing protection
  • Knee pads (optional)
  • 1400 rounds of pistol ammunition
  • 300 rounds of rifle ammunition
  • 50 rounds of Bird shot
  • 30 rounds of slugs
  • Weapons cleaning equipment (Oil, a rag and a bore snake goes a long way)
  • Fresh notebook
  • Pen, pencils, and 2 sharpie markers
  • Laptop or tablet with Microsoft Office (To complete POST lesson plans)



$525 per officer



Students or Departments may request an invoice and W-9 to pay by check by Emailing Bi*****@OT**********.com