OTG Instructor Certification Courses will challenge you, both mentally and physically.  We hold our instructor cadre and our students to the highest standards.

The most important part of any agency is its training section.  They are responsible for transferring lifesaving knowledge and skills to our officers. Instructors will only rise to the level of training, knowledge, and high standards that they themselves have acquired.   OTG takes the obligation of providing the most up to date Instructor courses available while enforcing high standards of performance.  We take pride in the fact that many agencies across our great state make our classes their only source when they need Instructor level training.  We demand excellence both of ourselves as well as our students. Should you need the best training available we look forward to challenging your officers both mentally and physically.  Our training extends far beyond acquiring a piece of paper.  OTG trained Instructors will provide your officers with the knowledge and skills to be the absolute most effective protectors of your citizens.

Law Enforcement Instructor Certification Courses



This is a 40 hour Tennessee POST Firearms Instructor Course providing graduates the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their Departments firearms training program. Students will learn the firearms training specific requirements mandated by Tennessee POST as well as comprehensive skills, techniques and training methodologies. At the end of the course, Students will be able to identify and transfer pertinent learning objectives, develop reality based curriculums, diagnose problem shooters, and articulate the role of LE use of deadly force within constitutional and statutory constraints.



The OTG LE Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor Course is a 3 day, 30 hour POST certified course and provides agency firearms instructors with the information to intelligently integrate the red dot optic into their agency equipment inventory.  Properly equipped and trained RDS Equipped handguns can increase officers level of performance by a large order of magnitude.  Many new users will quickly get frustrated after they install one of these optics because they are using the same techniques as they use with iron sights.  We teach you the right way for your officers to get the most out of their newly equipped Red Dot Pistol.



The LE Night Fighter Instructor is a 30 Hour, 3 Night TN POST Low Light Instructor course.   Students will learn Low Light science, as well as comprehensive skills, techniques and advanced applications of weapons and light manipulations, movement and target discrimination. Students will operate in a spectrum of full light to extreme low light conditions in both live fire and simunition based learning environments. Safety measures, course design and Force on Force planning will be covered in depth providing graduates the skills and knowledge necessary to safely instruct their officers in Low Light tactics.



This is a 40 hour Tennessee POST Patrol Rifle Instructor Course providing graduates the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their Departments Patrol Rifle training program. Students will learn comprehensive skills, techniques and training methodologies as it applies to the Law Enforcement Patrol Rifle.


At the end of the course, Students will be able to identify and transfer pertinent learning objectives, develop reality-based curriculums, diagnose problem shooters, and articulate the role of LE use of patrol rifles.